
视频 | 扎根上海③:“总部设在浦东,获得了很多便利”


看看新闻Knews记者 陈璇 李雪菲

2020-06-17 09:11


As a magnet for global talents, Shanghai has issued over 120,000 work permits, more than 18% of which have been issued to high-level foreign talent since 2017. The Shanghai Pudong International Talent Hub allows expats working in the Free Trade Zone to obtain work and residence permits in a single visit. Pudong can independently evaluate candidates applying for residency. It only requires half of the application materials and can issue approval within 5 days.


 “Having our headquarters here in Pudong is very convenient. Because first of all, Pudong is a platform for innovation and science and technology. And it's very easy to attract really well-educated talents here, which is important for our group. And furthermore, it's also very easy to communicate with the government. It's also very easy to apply work permits for our experts. And last not least, Pudong also offers a lot of very attractive subsidies.”

(看看新闻Knews记者:陈璇、李雪菲 编辑:Stephen Rancourt 实习生:张泓、任天昂)

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